Getting Started
This document will take you through the process of installing the PlanSys2 binaries and using PlanSys2.
See the Build and Install for other situations such as building from source or working with other types of robots.
Install the ROS 2 binary packages as described in the official docs
Install the PlanSys2 packages using your operating system’s package manager:
sudo apt install ros-<ros2-distro>-plansys2-*
Running the Example
Clone in your workspace the PlanSys2 examples
cd <your_workspace> git clone -b <ros2-distro>-devel src colcon build --symlink-install
Build the workspace:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y colcon build --symlink-install
Open a new terminal and run PlanSys2:
ros2 launch plansys2_simple_example
This launch PlanSys2 this simple PDDL domain, and some processes that implements a fake version of the domain’s actions.
Open a new terminal and run the PlanSys2 terminal:
ros2 run plansys2_terminal plansys2_terminal
In the PlanSys2 terminal shell, copy and paste the next commands to init the knowledge of the system and set the goal:
set instance leia robot set instance entrance room set instance kitchen room set instance bedroom room set instance dinning room set instance bathroom room set instance chargingroom room set predicate (connected entrance dinning) set predicate (connected dinning entrance) set predicate (connected dinning kitchen) set predicate (connected kitchen dinning) set predicate (connected dinning bedroom) set predicate (connected bedroom dinning) set predicate (connected bathroom bedroom) set predicate (connected bedroom bathroom) set predicate (connected chargingroom kitchen) set predicate (connected kitchen chargingroom) set predicate (charging_point_at chargingroom) set predicate (battery_low leia) set predicate (robot_at leia entrance) set goal (and(robot_at leia bathroom))
In the PlanSys2 terminal shell, get the plan and/or run the plan:
get plan run